



Probably the early "Uncle Hihoukan"


#日常の大道芸術館 #hihoukan #鳥羽SF未来館 #大道芸術館 #秘宝館
It's Night at the Museum again tonight. I'm ready and waiting.


#日常の大道芸術館 #大道芸術館 #museumofroadsideart #roadsidemuseum_tokyo #daidougeijutsukan #mora_tokyo

小松葉月「細胞分裂」 2022年



#museumofroadsideart #roadsidemuseum_tokyo #daidougeijutsukan #大道芸術館

#Repost @kyoichitsuzuki with @use.repost

出演:キャロル その他豪華メンバー

#大道芸術館 #roadsidemuseum_tokyo #museumofroadsideart #mora_tokyo

#Repost @kyoichitsuzuki with @use.repost

重野克明《Summer dog》2003年

#大道芸術館 #roadsidemuseum_tokyo #museumofroadsideart #mora_tokyo

We will be open as usual today, October 15th (Tuesday). We will open at 17:00. We look forward to seeing you!

#都築響一 #kyoichitsuzuki #都築響一コレクション #大道芸術館 #museumofroadsideart #daidougeijutsukan #mora_tokyo #roadsidemuseum #roadsidemuseum_tokyo #museum


そして今日のドローン操縦士のスカイフィッシュ @drone_skyfish さんと、廃墟写真家のtoshibo @104b0 さんのトーク。彼らは若い人や世界中からフォローされてて、大人気の写真家でもある。




Good evening to you who can't sleep tonight.

I can't remember if it was yesterday or the day before, but I saw a tweet (recommended) that said Gakugei Daigaku was ranked number one as the most beautiful (excellent?) city in Japan (Tokyo?) from the perspective of foreigners. It's not a place that is said to be a major city, or a place that has been rebuilt with urban development, but that town with a very lively shopping street and a human atmosphere where various people from young people to the elderly work and live. I thought, "Wow, they have a good eye for this."

And today, drone pilot Skyfish @drone_skyfish and ruins photographer toshibo @104b0 talked. They are very popular photographers, followed by young people and people all over the world.
They jump into nature to chase traces of human activities that have been swallowed up by nature, or jump into the city to search for traces of human movements and city movements and press the shutter.
I think what moves people's hearts is something that stimulates their imagination. At the very least, today's event is fully booked. I've received many inquiries asking if they can make a reservation.

What is a city that attracts people? What are things?

I wish the major developers would realize this sooner.

I'm really looking forward to what Tokyo will be like in 20 years' time (for better or worse).

See you again soon.
Adios ♪

#今日の大道芸術館締めの挨拶 #ドローン #廃墟写真 #大道芸術館 #museumofroadsideart #roadsidemuseum_tokyo #mora_tokyo
We're open until 5pm today, October 14th (Monday, national holiday)!!! Woooohoo!
After that there's the event! The event is only for people who have made a reservation!!! It's fully booked!!! There are no tickets available on the day!!!

#日常の大道芸術館 #大道芸術館 #今日の大道芸術館 #museumofroadsideart #roadsidemuseum_tokyo #mora_tokyo

We will be closing early due to an event in the evening! Thank you for your understanding.

#都築響一 #kyoichitsuzuki #都築響一コレクション #大道芸術館 #museumofroadsideart #daidougeijutsukan #mora_tokyo #roadsidemuseum #roadsidemuseum_tokyo #museum

Yoshiko Title unknown

#よしこ #Yoshiko #大道芸術館 #museumofroadsideart #mora_tokyo #daidougeijutsukan #東京都墨田区向島5丁目
《Cucumber》伊賀美和子 2006年

Iga Miwako Cucumber 2006

#伊賀美和子 #IgaMiwako #大道芸術館 #museumofroadsideart #mora_tokyo #daidougeijutsukan #東京都墨田区向島5丁目

Kasai Fumio Memoir

#香西文夫 #KasaiFumio #大道芸術館 #musumofroadsideart #mora_tokyo #daidougeijutsukan #東京都墨田区向島5丁目

Genshin title unknown
Genshin is a yaki-e, or pyrographic artist, who draws pictures through the process of burning. His tool isa soldering iron, and his canvas is leather, rather than the more commonly used wood. He chooses a minimally processed hide known as nume for its unique texture. His mostly traditional designs include ukiyo-e beauties, actors, sumo wrestlers, tigers, cats, dogs, insects and other creatures. Some of his images are based on erotic shunga.
Born Shiozawa Yoshiaki on 22 June 1958 in Takasago, Katsushika City, Genshin developed late as an artist after running away from home at the age of 15.
Although still active as a gangster at the time of his first exhibition, Genshin insists he’s no yakuza lieutenant or godfather, but merely a pyrographic artist. The seal with which he stamps his works was designed by a detective from the Metropolitan Police Department, with whom he had a long association. Now almost 10 years into his new self-taught vocation, he pays no heed to the Japanese art media, but since around 2016 has been approached several times to stage salon shows in Europe. Grappling with serious illnesses, he has often been hospitalised and endured major surgery. He continues to undergo dialysis while working daily on his leather.

#元心 #Genshin #大道芸術館 #museumofroadsideart #mora_tokyo #daidougeijutsukan #東京都墨田区向島5丁目

Artist unknown Boy’s Torso

#大道芸術館 #museumofroadsideart #mora_tokyo #daidougeijutsukan #東京都墨田区向島5丁目

Sagawa Kazumasa

#佐川一政 #SagawaKazumasa #大道芸術館#museumofroadsideart #mora_tokyo #daidougeijutsukan #東京都墨田区向島5丁目
「週刊漫画TIMES」「漫画ゴラク」「漫画パンチ」「土曜漫画」……昭和40年代の男性向け週刊漫画誌で勝木てるおの作品は数多く見つかるが、そのプロフィールはまだきちんと探せていない。「鉛筆で読む本 本と遊ぼう! 目で考えるクイズと立体パズル・ゲーム」という勝木てるお著の、新書版の娯楽本があり(昭和42年、日本文芸社刊)、その見返しにこんなプロフィールが載っていた――

Katsuki Teruo original manga magazine cover illustrations

Many of Katsuki’s illustrations appeared on the covers of 1960s magazines, Weekly Manga Times, Manga Goraku, Manga Punch and Saturday Manga, but little is known about his life. A profile on the back cover of a 1967 book he authored called Pencil Books: Let’s Play with Books! Quiz and 3D Puzzle Games for the Eyes (Nihon Bungeisha), describes him as follows:Born in Tokyo in 1931. Nicknamed ‘Tee-chan.’ He excels at quick jokes and illogical witticisms. His life itself is a comic strip and he is never without laughter. He is a self-professed ‘funny man,’ who loves drinking and will drop his work for any bar with beautiful women, no matter how far, and that’s how this book was born.

#勝木てるお #KatsukiTeruo #大道芸術館 #museumofroadsideart #mora_tokyo #東京都墨田区向島5丁目

title and date unknown

#kazu #大道芸術館 #museumofroadsideart #mora_tokyo #daidougeijutsukan #東京都墨田区向島5丁目

Yamagata Makiko moo~stop
Born in 1954 in Yokohama, Yamagata Makiko is a housewife who paints in her rural studio about an hour and a half north of Sendai City, Miyagi prefecture. She moved here after getting married. Her village of Tsuyama, population 3,000, is situated on the banks of the Kitakami River on the outskirts of the historic town of Tome, also known as the ‘Meiji-Village of Miyagi.’I started painting about 15 years ago at a culture class in Ishinomaki. I had started to wonder what was my purpose in existing every day (laughs). My teacher told me there are good good pictures; good bad pictures; bad good pictures; and bad bad pictures; and that I should aim for bad good pictures.In the beginning, I painted things like vases, but I shifted to portraits. I had never sketched, but I wanted to draw people. However I have always liked cows, and seven or eight years ago I started combining cows with people. It occurred to me I was using cows as substitutes for men. Perhaps I thought that if I depicted actual relationships between women and men, it would be too explicit. So by bringing cows into people…it’s the opposite of anthropomorphism, isn’t it? Anyway, I guess my theme is ‘love!’
#YamagataMakiko #山形牧子 #大道芸術館 #museumofroadsideart #mora_tokyo #東京都墨田区向島5丁目

Business hours / admission fee

平日 月曜、火曜、水曜、木曜 17:00開館、23:00閉館

金曜 13:00開館、23:00閉館
(13:00〜17:00 3000円、ドリンク1000円OFFチケット付き、17:00〜23:00はお席のチャージ代1500円+お飲み物代、または飲食なしの場合2000円の入館料を頂戴します)



Weekdays: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Opens at 17:00, closes at 23:00.
Price: 1500 yen seat charge + drink fee, or 2000 yen admission fee if no food or drink.

Friday: Opens at 13:00, closes at 23:00.
Price: 13:00-17:00 3000 yen (includes a ticket for 1000 yen off drinks) 17:00-23:00 1500 yen seat charge + drink fee, or 2000 yen admission fee if no food or drink.

Saturday, Sunday, holidays
Opens at 13:00, closes at 19:00.

Price: 3000 yen admission fee (includes a ticket for 1000 yen off drinks)



大道芸術館 museum of roadside art
〒131-0033 東京都墨田区向島5丁目28-4
