The original manga covers on the second floor are by Katsuki Teruo, a prolific artist during the Showa-era heyday of men’s weekly comics. I came across these works at a used bookstore in Sapporo.
Many of Katsuki’s illustrations appeared on the covers of 1960s magazines, Weekly Manga Times, Manga Goraku, Manga Punch and Saturday Manga, but little is known about his life. A profile on the back cover of a 1967 book he authored called Pencil Books: Let’s Play with Books! Quiz and 3D Puzzle Games for the Eyes (Nihon Bungeisha), describes him as follows:Born in Tokyo in 1931. Nicknamed ‘Tee-chan.’ He excels at quick jokes and illogical witticisms. His life itself is a comic strip and he is never without laughter. He is a self-professed ‘funny man,’ who loves drinking and will drop his work for any bar with beautiful women, no matter how far, and that’s how this book was born.